Coast Guide TR




Coordinates 38°25'35.34" N - 26°20'33.99" E
Chart No 2223

Karaada Island is on the North of Gulf Ildır. The northern end is steep mountainous. There are three adequate anchorages on the south. The cove in the middle affords good shelter. The bottom is sand and weed. Make sure that your anchor is well dug in. Boats drop anchor in 3 – 10 meters and swing. There is a concrete jetty on the west and the cove is fringed by a sandy – shingle beach. The cove, indenting to the east is fine for anchoring with a line ashore to stay well in strong northerlies. The coves of the island are open to south.

During the day, the coves here are favorite spots for the excursion and diving boats. At night, these coves are quite.

This island is distinctive for the number of its donkeys – the island is commonly known as Donkeys’ Island. 

Karaada Map

