Coast Guide TR

Gemiler Bay


Gemiler Bay

Coordinates 36°33'28.00" N - 29°3'39.00" E
Chart No 313

Point ; Delikli Burun ends in a round hole-the rock appears to be a hoop. Gemiler Bay lies NW of Gemiler Island. The bottom is sand. You can be pushed off or anchor in 6-9m with a line ashore. The shoreline behind the beach is wooded in olive trees. The beach and the hillsides get very crowded in summer, people come here by land. The anchorages are crowded with powerboats, they constantly churn in and out of bay.

A rough 5,5 km path leads to Kayaköy. From there you can reach Fethiye by  two alternatives , one road is 15 km  and the other one is 20km. . There are regular transport facilities available. A catawalk-15minutes takes you to the ruined church Afkule. The church is impressive, it was perched on the rocks There is tremendous view overlooking the Gulf Fethiye.

The anchorage on N of Gemiler Island is perfect for those who prefer serenity.  

Gemiler Bay Map

Gemiler Bay Video

