Coast Guide TR

Gemiler Island


Gemiler Island

Coordinates 36°33'20.00" N - 29°4'4.00" E
Chart No 313-236 B.Adm.

The prettiest anchorage on the north of Gemiler Island. There are good depths along the shoreline accross the island. The bottom is weed-sand-rock. You can anchor drop anchor and take a line ashore. Care is needed when dropping the hook. Ease your chain line as much as possible. To rig a trip line on your anchor will be safe and it will make it mush easier to raise.

The shoreline is wooded in olive trees. The hillsides are covered by ruins from the Byzantine era. A path climbs the hills,. The ruins of Lycian tombs are in attractive settings that help you imagine what the place was like in ancient times.

These anchorages are very crowded in summer. Excursion boats constantly churn in and out of the bay. It is better to arrive in late afternoon and leave before noon time the next day.

Gemiler Island Map

Gemiler Island Video

