Coast Guide TR

Seven Islands


Seven Islands

Coordinates 36°52'32.00" N - 28°1'56.00" E
Chart No 3111 D-1644 B.Adm

There are a chain of small islands between the points;Teke Burnu and Taneli Burun. The coves on the eastern side, provide excellent all-round sheltering.

These islands ; Göllü Ada on the north, two islets on the south and small islands at distance of 1.6 M from NE to SW. The islands are: Küçük Ada, Zeytinli Ada, Uzun Ada and Martılı Ada.

Carefull plotting is required in the area. The passage between Küçük Ada and Küfre Burnu: There is no obstacle in the fairway. This islet is bare.

Zeytinli Ada stands 250 m on the southwest of Küçük Ada. A rock rises up from the northern tip. It is a clean passage as long as care is taken for this rock. Southern shores of the island are covered by olive trees.

Uzun Ada lies 200 m on the southwest of Zeytinli Ada. There is no obstacle for passage except for the reef and shoal water, lying from the western tip of Zeytinli Ada.The northern side of Uzun Ada is bare, but the southern shores are wooded by pine trees.

The passage between Martılı and Uzun Ada is obstructed. Shallowness lie from the points of both islands and two rocks in the depth of 50 cm stand enroute of the entry. Martılı Ada is bare, there is a nice beach on the southern shores.

The passage between Martılı Ada and Taneli Burun (240 meters on the south of Martılı Ada)  is safe and wide. There are 5 meters depths on two basins in the middle.

The coves on the east of Yedi Adalar, from north to south; Küfre Koyu, Babuş Bükü, Uzun Liman, Bekar Liman and Çamaltı. All these coves afford all-round sheltering under attractive settings.

Seven Islands Map
