Coast Guide TR

Uzun Port


Uzun Port

Coordinates 36°52'2.00" N - 28°2'58.00" E
Chart No 3111 D–1644 B.Adm

Uzun Liman lies on the SE of Zeytinli Ada and on the S of point; Babuş Burnu. The bay indents to the east for about 1000m, narrows and ends by a pool.  The entry is about 130 m wide and it makes a large bay after the entry. Laced coves in the bay are fully covered by pine trees. The beach side affords all-round shelter. Drop anchor in 8-10 meters and get a line ashore. There are laced coves on the beach side, separated by the tips. Boats can drop anchor in these bights in 10-15 meters and take a line ashore. All these bights have very nice surroundings. A low bank extends to middle and hosts reedy shores; this shallowness can not be recognized from the distance. Northern shores of the bay are deep.

The cove gets narrower and ends by a circular pool, hidden behind the tip. The depths get less then 2m and shelves to the shore where filled with long reeds. Local fishing boats anchor here. This side is known as Saklı Liman. A footpath adjoins forest path from Küfre and it goes to Değirmanyanı (11 km) by Datça-Marmaris highway. The settings are impressive.

Uzun Port Map

Uzun Port Video
